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STAMS bv - Specialized Training Aviation Marketing Services


unrivalled expertise

Peter published a total amount of 8 books and several articles worldwide. He can help you with the production and editing of books, magazines and articles. A passionate team of experts with different backgrounds and careers will assist him to give you the best service at the best price.

Combine this with his military career, Peter can provide assistance with organizing commemorative events. Air shows, flight demonstrations and fly by’s are his favourites.

Book Editing
Book Editing
Book Editing
Book Editing
Book Editing

Book Editing

BVBA STAMS can help you to produce your book from the beginning till the end. We are experts in lay-out, printing and editing management. We have a large expertise in profile-editing.

Geschiedenis KeeBee

van Spitfire to F-35

In dit fascinerende boek over de geschiedenis van vliegbasis Kleine-Brogel wordt niet enkel een opsomming gemaakt van historische gebeurtenissen.

We presenteren u nooit eerder vertoonde foto's, anekdotes en een blik in de toekomst naar de komst van de Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning. Dit alles maakt dat dit boek een "Must-Have" is voor de liefhebbers van onze Luchtmacht, KeeBee,...

Leuk geschreven, honderden foto's, een collectors-item. De vraagprijs voor dit prachtige stuk literatuur is €35 en bestellen kan door een mail te sturen naar This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organisation Commemoration events

“We provide and support ideas for the organisation and staging of commemorative events and official celebrations . We are able to provide re-enactors for realistic WW2 scenarios.
  • Historical background information
  • Historical education
  • 25 years of experience in civilian and military flying displays
  • Realistic re-enactment of specific battles


Peter is an experienced flying display director with military and civilian background.
  • National and international experience
  • Friendly and diplomatic approaches
  • 25 years of experience in civilian and military flying displays
  • Airshow commentator
  • Spotterdays Kleine-Brogel 1999-2009
  • European Trainers Meet Beauvechain 2004
  • Operational Integration Exercise Kleine-Brogel 2006-2007
  • Koksijde Airshow 2011
  • Fly-In/Open Door Genk-Zwartberg airfield


Peter has a large experience in airshow and spottersday organisations. He has a great expertise and a wide network of aviation connections.

Fly-By organization

Based on his military experience, Peter is specialist in organizing Fly-By’s for any purpose: commemorative events, official representations, weddings, anniversaries,….with warbirds or formations of aircraft.
  • Warbirds and oldtimers

    Spitfire, Hurricane, T28 Trojan, Lockheed 12
  • Formations

    Pilatus formation, Cessna formation,…
  • Jets

    Fouga Magister, L39 Albatros,…